The Lutheran Women's Missionary League is for all women, no matter their age, in the congregation.  We meet in Building A at 10:00 A.M. on the first Saturday of the month except for July, August and December.

We are committed to helping every woman find personal opportunities in her daily life and in the congregation to be nurtured in faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover her unique gifts and value in God’s family.

We challenge women of all ages, stages, ethnicities, and experiences to make a meaningful difference in the lives of hurting, helpless, and unbelieving people at home and throughout the world.

We believe that women value the friendship, support, and encouragement from other women and strive to offer warm, welcoming opportunities for women to grow in faith and relationships as sisters in Christ.

For more information, contact the church office at (916) 332-4001 or by email at