Resources for Families

Table Talk: Bringing Faith Home

A series of 60 short devotions, each accessible as individual and printable pdf documents, that are ideal for building family conversations around the promises that Jesus has for us.  


Family "Altar" Visual Guide

Family "Altar” is often used to describe not a place in the house but a daily rhythm of intentional faith-orienting time.  Check out these basic insights for making time for family devotions.

Video: How to Do Family Devotions at Home

It is easy to fall out of the habit of family devotions. But if we can improve our devotional life in times of necessity, we will be blessed far greater in our daily devotional life, even in times of plenty. Pastor Sean Daenzer shares some helpful insights for launching or relaunching time for Scripture and prayer as a family.

Around the Word Devotions

A weekly devotion with daily meditations.  These devotions offer step-by-step instructions through simple and brief yet rich faith-orienting times for families or for individuals.  Sample past weeks’ and subscribe for a weekly guide here.


Jesus Storybook Bible

Looking for an outstanding story Bible for preschool and elementary age children?  This is it.  Quality illustrations and words retelling how each story in the Bible points forward or back to the person and work of Jesus make this an invaluable addition to your children's library.  Check out the various editions to see which may serve your family best.  Great for bedtime reading and for family devotions.

Arch Books

These children's classics continue to retell the timeless stories and promises of God at work in Christ from generation to generation.  Great for bedtime reading and for family devotions.  Also available in collections like The Life of Jesus, etc.